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Read about the lives God has been touching through the ministry of Breath of Life Missions!

Megan Noelle
— Pennsylvania
God bless you Pastor Jim & my sweet friend Claritza. I wanted to share God’s glory from the courts of heaven. Some breakthroughs that have happened since the Courts... My surgery discovered the pelvic mass to be Benign. Thank you Lord. Crazy part is, the doctors have no idea what the mass is and are testing it. THAT is all God. I’ve been out of work for about a month. And for a single parent of 3 having to go on short term disability was going to be financially hard. But to God be the glory, my boss has been working with me so that I get stay with my regular pay!!!! Also, my Bella’s father has finally started helping me with some money for child support. Anddddd one of the accidents I was in before this last one, the person working on it is out on medical and it got reassigned to someone else. Which is ALL God because FINALLY after almost 2yrs things are getting accomplished on that case.
I feel freedom and a turn for the good FINALLY. THANK YOUUUUU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!! I pray we can bring the Courts of Heaven to my Church CityReach Philly in this next year. To God be the glory and I pray for blessings upon blessings to reign upon each of you, your families, your ministry and your finances. Well done good and faithful servants God says.
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